Rwanda’s Rights Can’t be Legislate by The UK

The United Kingdom government’s fixation with expelling asylum seekers to Rwanda went from absurd to grotesque this week when it introduced a new “Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill” to parliament.

The bill comes in response to the Supreme Court’s November 15 ruling on the UK’s deal with Rwanda, which found Rwanda is not a safe third country to send asylum seekers. The court drew attention to threats to Rwandans living in the UK as well as extrajudicial killings, deaths in custody, enforced disappearances, torture, and restrictions on media and political freedoms in Rwanda.

Having undermined evidence, ignored human rights organizations’ reports, ignored its own recent assessments, and lost its case in court, the UK government is now desperately trying to circumvent the Supreme Court’s judgement. Earlier this week, the UK and Rwanda signed a binding treaty stating that Rwanda would not send asylum seekers back to their home countries – one of the concerns raised by the Supreme Court.

In the UK, several Rwandans interviewed for a recent report on Rwanda’s extraterritorial repression said UK intelligence and police were in regular contact with them regarding their security. Some Rwandans said they live in fear of surveillance and attack, or of seeing their relatives in Rwanda targeted. “If someone is afraid to open their door … the psychological insecurity is long lasting and as bad as the physical security issue,” said one interviewee in London. The UK can’t legislate its way around the fact that Rwanda counters criticism with violence and abuse, including against refugees.

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